Welcome to our July 2019 Newsletter. Summer is finally upon us and with it, a round-up of our summer meeting in Greece, changes to the Board of Directors, new members and Digital Book World dates.
Summer Meeting 2019

This year’s MGIP Summer Meeting took place at one of the most beautiful places in all of Greece – Grecotel Cape Sounio!
Taking place between 28th June and 1st July, we were joined by 83 member and friends, to enjoy three sunny days packed with exchanging knowledge, engaging lectures, joyful evenings and, for the first time ever, early morning yoga sessions.
The summer meeting this year was a very special one for the MGIP, as it was the last one with Jean Arcache as our President. However, it marked the beginning of Christopher Hudson’s interim presidency along with other interim changes with Kiran Kapoor giving up her seat on the Board of Directors, to be succeeded by her son Kapil Kapoor. We also welcomed Annabel Lammers to our Board. All will remain in their roles until the next official election in 2021.
At the meeting, Board member Robin Wood, announced his intention to leave the Board at the end of this year, and was appointed an Honorary Member. In total, seven associated members were appointed to full members at the General Assembly. Each proudly received their MGIP pin by newly appointed President Christopher Hudson and received a big round of applause by all attending members.

We were very happy to welcome the PEN President, Mme Jennifer Clement, who was our keynote speaker, to our summer meeting. She gave an impressive speech about the role of PEN in the publishing world. We encourage you to take some time to read about PEN and their advocating for Human Rights, specifically for the rights of authors and publishers.
Jennifer attended the meeting with her colleagues, Carles Torner and Peter McDonald, where it was announced that MGIP, under the lead of Jan Martens et al, and PEN International are working together on the almanac to celebrate PEN’s centennial in 2021. Many important decisions about the almanac, including layout, were made during our time in Greece.
We offer the warmest thanks to our Greek members, Annie Ragia and Lila Karatza, for organizing two wonderful evening events which were highlights of the meeting. We met with the President of the Greek Republic, Prof. Prokopios Pavlopoulos, who welcomed us to his beautiful mansion with a speech in French. We also had a wonderful dinner at the Benizelos Mansion. Normally we would say thank you to the owners of the Mansion, the Greek Orthodox Church, however in this instance, they have sent us a letter thanking us generously for the donation we made for allowing us to have dinner at such a historic venue.

Though another summer meeting has come and gone, we look to the future and have begun planning for next year’s meeting already. We very much look forward to welcoming our members and friends at the 2020 meeting taking place 26th to 29th June. Put the dates in your diary now!
More photos from the event are available at www.motovungroup.org/gallery

Meeting the President of the Greek Republic
Prof. Prokopios Pavlopoulos

New Board of Directors
MGIP welcomes it’s new Board of Directors, who were appointed following retirements and individuals stepping back from their roles. The new Board will be in their roles until the next official elections in 2021.
President: Christopher Hudson
Chairwoman: Alexandra Papadakis
Treasurer: Juraj Heger
Directors of the board:
Jean-Baptiste Bourrat, Martin Fontijn, Alberto Gremese, Kapil Kapoor, Annabel Lammers, Jan Martens
MGIP welcomes new members at the summer meeting
Two new members, Isabelle and Norbert, were welcomed at the General Assembly.

Isabelle Gérard
Royal Museum of Central Africa,
Tervuren, Belguim
Norbert Küpper
ICMA Award et al
During the last evening our newly appointed president, Christopher Hudson could happily welcome two new members to MGIP. Annemie Michels (Fontaine Uitgevers, NL) and Lei Ren, (Flieder Verlag, Foreign Rights agency Asia, DE) both attended the summer meeting as guests and left as associate members!

Digital Book World 2019

This year’s Digitial Book World will be taking place in Nashville, Tennessee on 10th to 12th September 2019.
The MGIP has continued to build on it’s relationship with DBW by becoming an official partner of the conference. Our outgoing president, Jean Arcache, has been invited to be one of the speakers at the event and he will be representing the MGIP in Nashville.
MGIP members, Alberto Gremese and Lila Karatza, have been to the DBW conference in the past, and both came back with great experiences and discoveries which they were able to share will all our members.
An exclusive promo code has been set up for MGIP members who are interested in attending the DBW this September. The code MGIPDBW2019 will save you 40% on regular admission to the event. To find out more about the event and book your tickets, please go to https://www.digitalbookworld.com. Click on ‘Register here’, then click on green TICKETS button, and then put the code in the top right where it says ‘Enter Promotional Code’.
Dates for the Diary 2019/20
- MGIP Frankfurt dinner – 15th October 2019
- Book on Film Award at FRF Pavilion – 19th October 2019
- MGIP London Dinner and ICMA Awards – 9th March 2020
- MGIP Summer Meeting – 26th to 29thJune 2020
To reserve and book for our events, remember to email office@motovungroup.org.
Please follow us on Facebook and view our YouTube channel for more members’ information.
Do you have any content suggestions for the MGIP Newsletter?
Please send us your ideas and we can include them in the next quarterly newsletter.
Motovun Group of International Publishers
International Non-profit Association Under Belgian Law | Founded in 1977 – Founding President: Bato TomasevićOffice: 2 Rue du Midi, 1000 Brussels | phone: +49 172 961 74 03 | Secretary: Barbara Glauning | office@motovungroup.org | www.motovungroup.org
Board of Directors: Christopher Hudson (President) | Alexandra Papadakis (Chairwoman) | Juraj Heger (Treasurer) Jean-Baptiste Bourrat | Martin Fontijn | Alberto Grimese | Kapil Kapoor | Annabel Lammers | Jan Martens | Anniek Meinders
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Responsible for editorial content: copy by Barbara Glauning and layout Eden Phillips Harrington
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